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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Your body is a Treasure

You are a Captain of a pirate ship looking for treasure. You come across a island that you have never been seen before. Your first reaction is,"There might be treasure there!" so you and your crew sail towards the island.Once on this island your crew splits up into groups to search for treasure. Your group goes into the mountains. Night begins to fall and you decide to set up camp in the nearest cave. Once the fire is lit you can see ancient drawings on the walls one of them looks like a map to treasure.

The next day your group decides to make a recreation of the map and then follow it. You follow the map for hours untill you come upon another cave and inside is a... Treasure Chest! You carfully open the chest and what you find is not treasure of gold and silver but you find a mirror. On the mirror is some words that say,"Treasure your body for it is a gift to be treated withe gratitude and respect."


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